Our firm is always pleased to provide services to foreign lawyers, whether with regard to Italy-related legal advice or to actual representation in South Tyrol and the other Italian regions.
Within the framework of our domiciliation service, we make our office available as an official address for correspondence with public authorities, the tax office and individual persons; similarly, we accept telephone calls on behalf of our clients. We also forward mail, electronic correspondence as well as information and inquiries received by telephone to those recipients designated by our clients.
We offer this service exclusively to clients who are in the process of operational structuring and with whom we are in a consulting relationship that goes beyond the mere domiciliation. A primary focus is foreign companies that set up subsidiary companies or operating facilities nationally and, due to various considerations, do not wish to establish a temporary or permanent administrative seat in Italy nor carry out administrative activities here.
We neither lease business premises nor hire out staff to clients. To a limited extent, we do store records on behalf of our clients.
For further information, please contact us at info@advocat-bureau.it or +39 0473 565071.
Thank you.